Leap of Faith

8:44 PM

You always hear about people that are living a life that is only a fairy tale in your world.  Such as, the people that sell everything and move to an island, travel the world, etc.  Well, I feel like I just joined their ranks...ok, maybe just on a small scale.  I recently quit my full time job, so that I could work part-time and not have to put Brooklyn in daycare. 

This was a very hard decision for me for several reasons:
1).  It isn't just me that had to make the decision, my husband has a huge say
2.)  My salary was pretty sweet (at least for our standard of living)
3.)  I liked my job and especially my boss
4.)  It is super scary to leave a job in this economy

While I was pregnant, I did the whole research the daycares, visit them (this didn't go well, as, I left in tears after each one)  even registering and paying a months tuition in advance.  However, once I had Brooklyn, I quickly realized I really didn't want to put her in daycare (although, if you ask my mom, she would say that I have always been uncomfortable with the idea of putting my future children in daycare) and started looking for ways to avoid it.  I had many talks with AJ about how I felt that I was just collecting a paycheck, not loving what I was doing and I felt like this was an opportunity in life to make a change (however scary it may be). 

Looking at the math/budget, I realized I could work part-time and not have to put her in daycare, with the help of family members watching Brooklyn twice a week. 

Now, the hard part, I had to find a job that would allow this.  Luckily, I have some pretty great friends.  Let's call them "A"  well "A" has been talking about opening a catering business of her own for a while now and always said she would love to have me with her when she does.  I seriously feel like the stars aligned, because 3 weeks before I had to return to work (from maternity leave), it happened!  She said the company was opening and she wanted me!

So, once the paper work went through, I quit my job!  Let me tell you about this....I get to work about 30 hours a week, 2 miles from the house, and I get to bring Brooklyn on days she is not with family, there is mimosa Fridays, and I can pick up catering shifts if I want extra money:)   Of course, I am taking a pay cut, but, once you take into account the almost $1000.00 a month daycare bill...it isn't too far of a stretch to make ends meet:) 

I feel so lucky to have this opportunity to spend more time with my daughter that sometimes I feel like maybe this isn't as good as it seems.  But, I have to keep my head up and remember to enjoy the ride and also, that I can always rejoin the workforce (since I left on such good terms with my coworkers) if needed. 

And it is all for this lil' face!

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